Pre-qualification of Companies for the Renovation Works of Holy Trinity Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Menbere Tsebaot Holy Trinity Cathedral

Expression of Interest (EOI) For

Pre-qualification of Companies for the Renovation Works of Holy Trinity Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ethiopian Orthodox Tewhado Church (EOTC) is one of the ancient churches in the world with apostolic tradition preserved for centuries. One of peculiarity of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is its continuity of believes in One GOD and the Trinity in the period of Old and New Testaments. This is reflected in its church practices, organization and architecture. Hence, EOTC has many historical heritages which are of great importance (spiritual as well as historical) for Ethiopia, Africa and the World. Most of the world class tangible and intangible heritages registered by UNESCO in the name of Ethiopia belong to the EOTC.

The 80 year old Holy Trinity Cathedral with 1800 sq. m built up area and its construction completed in 1944 is one of the heritage sites in Addis Ababa, among the 300 architectural heritages registered as heritage site in the new master plan of the city. It is one of the most visited places in Addis Ababa transmitting to the world the ancient religious practice and the history of the country. Due to its age of service and external pollutions, the EOTC Holy Trinity cathedral is requiring an urgent but well organized restoration with a principle of preservation. Hence after going through an in-depth assessment of the scenario, and the blessing of his holiness, the recognition of the Holy Synod, and support from the relevant stake holders like the Ministry of culture & tourism, Ethiopian culture & Heritage authority, the parish council and Church administration have initiated the Study of  Conservation & Restoration of the Holy Trinity Cathedral and Its Environs. Such holy and magnificent structure requires a holistic approach to preserve the church building and other heritages in the compound with a compatible land use, landscape and zonal influence. Now that the study by the nominated conservation consultant will bear a complete set of conservation documents, the Church is preparing for the next phase of the recruiting the conservation contractor/s. Therefore, this EOI is made public towards the procedural effect.

Title of the EOI: Conservation &Restoration of the Holy Trinity Cathedral and Its Environs.   Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Location of the site: The Holy Trinity Cathedral Church is one of the most attractive and highest ranking Orthodox cathedral churches located in Addis Ababa around 4 kilo near to the house of people representatives (the Parliament). The Cathedral complex also includes the “Bale Wold” (Feast of God the Son) Church, which is also known as the Church of the Four Heavenly Creatures. This church served as the original Holy Trinity Monastery Church before the building of the Cathedral. There is also a primary and a secondary school, a monastery and the Holy Trinity Theological College.

Date of Publication EOI: ……October 31, 2021

Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: …… November 15, 2021.

EOI Number: EOI-HTC- INT. 001/2014.

Address EOI response to the Attention of: Holy Trinity Cathedral Administration office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Menbere Tsebot Holy Trinity Cathedral

Postal Code / P.O. Box No: ………

Country: Ethiopia

Town/ City: Addis Ababa

Telephone No: +251-01-11-23-35-18/+251-01-11-23-10-79

                                                Web site:

Application Process: This Pre-qualification process is aimed to short-list potential Companies /Firms for its participation in the upcoming bidding process (ITB for the Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Hence, interested international/ local Companies and/or Associations/Joint Ventures with required experience and qualifications are requested to submit relevant documentation /information as to demonstrate that they are eligible and qualified to perform such large scale Construction /Renovation/ Rehabilitation works specially RENOVATION ON HERETAGE  works. Experience in Cathedral renovation, knowledge of EOTC culture and practices, structural restorations by retrofitting and other technologies are among the required capacities of the bidders to qualify this first stage bidding process.

Eligible Applicants:

  1. An applicant shall be a legally established or Joint Venture (JV) firm(s)/companies. Maximum allow able Joint Venture partners shall not exceed more than two partners. Natural/Physical persons are not eligible to apply in their individual capacities.
  • Construction Companies that intend to participate in this Expression of Interest must be registered with the Ministry of Trade in Ethiopia. The bidders that are not registered with the Ministry of Trade in Ethiopia shall be required to obtain the permission to conduct construction activities in Ethiopia if they are awarded the contract.
  1. Scope of Works

Subject to the limitation of interventions, works shall be well briefed on the bill of quantities and specifications,

  1. The Church Building…………..(47.38 x 92.40)m2

1.1 Roof

  • Church Cross restoration.
  • Roof top pillar and Roof dome sheet restoration.
  • Roof metal sheet and coping cleaning &restoration.
  • Roof Dome Copper sheet cleaning & restoration.
  • Roof dome and slab cleaning & restoration
  • Maintenance of gutters to be equipped with grids to avoid clogging
  • Maintenance of links, ankles and exits under the cornice
  • Repairing Rainwater downspouts of rectangular section. Provision of the lightning rods and their grounding connection.
  • Waterproofing maintenance

1.2 Façade

  • Micro-scrubbing to remove all coats of paints from the panels, the window’s cement frame, the cornices, the fluted columns and the bas-reliefs.
  • Repairing or replacing damaged parts with the same material.
  • Painting of the plastered& painted façade.
  • Carefully cleaning the surface by pressuring water and brushes.
  • In case of damaged or missing elements, replacing with similar ones.
  • Control of joints
  • Removal of biological growth (Algae, patina, Lichens etc.)
  • Cleaning and restoration of statues, and Art stone work.
  • Cleaning and restoration of Windows and doors
  • Handles: replacing where necessary, identically as existing ones
  • Hinges: checking and repairing where necessary
  • Restoration of mastic
  • Stained glasses & Windows to be kept in place, to be repaired if necessary
  • Cracked glass to replace and restore
  • Metal rust removal and painting.

1.3 Church Audemehret

  • Cleaning of stone pavement and restoration of damaged stone pavement.
  • Removal and replacement of stone pavement if necessary.
  • Cleaning and restoration of retaining wall and stone steps.
  • Filling of joints with similar material.
  • Creation of exterior concrete ramps for disabled worshipers.
  • Verification of water drain.

1.4. Restoration of Lighting Fixtures and New lighting fixtures for facades

1.5 Interior

  • Cleaning of walls
  • Restoration of damaged and cracked wall.
  • Cleaning and restoration of flooring
  • Conservation and restoration of murals
  • Conservation and restoration of art glass windows.
  • Conservation and restoration of painting work.
  • Cleaning of the Ceilings and decorative molds.
    • Cleaning, restoration and adaptation of lighting fixtures
    • remodeling the old electrical installations
    • Restoration of  lighting fixtures (chandeliers and sconces) The re-installation will be done by the same specialized company or expert
  • New water supply and removal Installation.

             1.6 Structural Restoration

  •  Site Work ………………………….(around 80,000m2)

2.1 Landscaping Work.

  • Site clearing (trees, shaded leaves, concrete waste)
  • Site clearing (Hedge removal, minimizing the number of trees to enhance visibility) Planting of tress, grass & flowers.
  • Site clearing and leveling (clearing the leaves and maintain the level)
  • Construction of Ramped and stepped walkway.
  • Crating of Stepped seating for worshipers.
  • Restoration, Cleaning, and restructuring of Graveyard.
  • Paths and pavements to restore and restructure.
  • Maintaining of Fence and curb stone.
  • Maintaining the existing walkways and monuments.
  • Creation of additional parking Area.
    • Pavement restoration.
  • Scraping out capping asphalt layer and replacing with new pavement.
  • Cleaning and restoration of Existing storm water drainage.
  • Construction of new storm drainage.
  • Restoration of curbstone & Construction of new ones
  • Electrical Installation
  • New site outdoor lighting installation.
  • Acoustic & Sound system
  • Flood Light installation.

2.4 Sanitary installations


1.MenbereTsebot Holy Trinity Cathedral intends to solicit bids for Conservation &Restoration of the Holy Trinity Cathedral and Its Environs at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

2. The Contractor shall complete the works specified in this EOI request in accordance with the project requirement and relevant standards.

3. The contractor shall provide all personnel, management, manpower, equipment, tools, materials and other resources for Supply, Construction, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of the conservation and restoration activities in accordance with the guideline described below and technical specifications, drawings to be disclosed during RFP period as a second stage of the bid process.

4. The contractor is required to submit letter of EOI, all legal and eligibility documents, company profile, past experience on similar works, The Certificate of satisfactory execution of works, professionals working in the company and any other documents that demonstrates financial capacities and ability of the contractor to properly handle the project. They must submit in 1paper copy and 1 digital copy with CD or Flash disk.

  • of contracts shall include the following data:

(a)The name and place of establishment of the contracting parties,

(b)The subject-matter of the contract,

(c)The value of the contract

(d)The time and place of performance of the contract,

(e)A statement concerning the satisfactory execution of contracts

5. The contractor may be may be a natural person, private, public or government-owned legal entity, or any combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an existing agreement in the form of a Joint-Venture (JV), consortium, or association.

6. Both local and International contractors must comply with the local government regulations and must create a joint venture or any other acceptable alliance towards the projects endeavour. 


1. The works includes the supply of all materials, fixtures, fittings, equipment and labour necessary for the completion of the services required. Contractor found responsive to this EOI will be re-invited to submit their price offer, detailed approaches and work methodology, manpower and equipment schedules, sureties, and other specific requirements during RFP as a second stage of this bid process.

2.  It is Mandatory that Proposers shall visit project sites prior to the submission of their EOI in order to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the location, operating conditions and specific requirements.

3. The solicitation will be based on detailed Statement of Works, General Conditions of Contracts and other related documents which will be provided by Menbere Tsebot Holy Trinity Cathedral to all companies who respond to this EOI and qualify for this tender stage.

4. For this purpose, Menbere Tsebot Holy Trinity Cathedral will undertake a competitive bidding exercise shortly, accordingly would issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to those companies who would express their interest and provide initial relevant information as to their ability to fulfil specified requirements.

D. Guiding Principles

State-of the-art approaches that reflect conservation practice standards provided by Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, and Operational Guidelines issued by UNESCO for the implementation of its 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage as ratified by the Council of the Federal Government of Ethiopia are also  sought to be achieved. Coherently, the EOTC values, rituals & administrative principles must also be acknowledged. Thus, endorsement of these and sustainable principles/practices shall remain important throughout the Projects different phases.


1. Menbere Tsebot Holy Trinity Cathedral reserves the right in selecting the invitees for the competitive bidding based on substantial and proven records of performance in the subject field of activities and mere expressing an interest would not automatically warrant for tender document.

2. The client is not responsible for Costs related to any document preparation by the bidders.

3. Menbere Tsebot Holy Trinity Cathedral reserves the right to reject EOIs received after the above deadline.

4. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Prequalification Document, HTC may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by Applicants, modify the Prequalification Application and its attachments by amendment, including through provision of supplementary information.

5. All applicants (Overseas and Ethiopia) are required to comply with Local Government Regulations.